[1] Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu*, Patrick Y.K. Chau, Sumeet Gupta. Classifying, Measuring and Predicting the Overall Active Behavior in Social Network Sites. Journal of Management Information Systems. (2014) (Accepted). SSCI , IF: 1.262.
[2] Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta, Qi Xiaolin. Can Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Coexist? An Issue of Telecommunication Service in China. Journal of Information Technology. Advance online publication in 17 December 2013, Doi: 10.1057/jit.2013.26. SSCI, IF: 3.532.
[3] Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Ling Zhao, Ming Li. What drives content creation behavior in SNS? A commitment perspective. Journal of Business Research. (2013) 66(12): 2529–2535. SSCI, IF:1.484.
[4] Aihui Chen*, Hong Zhang, Wanqiang Cai, Kun Lan, Honglei Wang. The Causes of Customer Satisfaction in Telecommunication Service: An Empirical Study. ICIPM2011: The 7th International Conference on Advanced Information Management and Service, Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 2011 in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea.(EI收录)
[5] 陈爱辉,鲁耀斌。SNS用户活跃行为研究:集成承诺、社会支持、沉没成本和社会影响理论的观点。《南开管理评论》,2014年第3期。
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